Fragrant Iris

Fragrant Irises

Fragrance is often an overlooked quality of the bearded irises. This can be difficult to understand because the perfumes produced from some of these fragrant flowers vary from light and sweet to heavily scented, dusky and even a "chocolate" essence. If you specifically want fragrant iris flowers, you will be pleased with the following selection from our fragrant irises.

The fragrant Iris often have a sweet scent that makes them doubly enjoyable as a cut flower.

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  • Wake Water - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Wake Water$8.25$7.50
    (Tom Burseen, 1996) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), EM S. white, blue influence at midrib; style arms white, washed blue; F. light blue washed violet blue, lighter edge, darker centerline; beards mustard; ruffled; spicy fragrance.
  • Warm Wishes - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Warm Wishes$9.50
    (William Maryott, 1999) TB, 35" (89 cm), M Medium yellow F-with lighter center B-yellow,bushy,large;sweet fragrance.
  • Waves of Joy - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Waves of Joy$17.75
    (Tasco 2015) TB, 39", ML. Naples yellow standards with a couple of slight violet veins on the midrib; violet falls with a naples yellow rim, light bronze shoulders and veins on the shoulders and near upper beard. Beards are white based with the hairs tipped golden Indian yellow, there are a few very minor violet tips at the very end. Show stalks carry 3 branches and a spur and average 7-to-9 buds. Moderately ruffled flowers with a strong sweet fragrance and light purple based foliage.
  • Widdershins - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (M. Roberts, 1999) TB, 32 inches (81 cm), ML S-rose brown F-honey yellow,honey brown border,white below orange-white B;fragrant; Bogota X Chocolate Marmalade
  • Will and Adelle - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Will and Adelle$14.00
    (Larry Lauer, 2014) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), M-L S. hyacinth-blue, ages lighter; style arms hyacinth-blue; F. white base, aster-violet lines from cinnamon shoulders becoming more pronounced, solid at rim, slight white outer rim; beards burnt orange; pronounced sweet fragrance; ruffled.
  • Winemaster - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Keith Keppel, 1986) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), M S-red,blended ambrosia at base F-horse-chestnut with brazil brown on hafts B-mustard-oxblook; pronounced sweet fragrance. HM 1988.
  • Wings of Peace - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Wings of Peace$8.25$7.50
    (George Sutton, 1997) TB SA, 38 inches (97 cm), EM Ruffled white self; beards white, hairs tipped yellow in throat, 1 inches wide white spoon; slight sweet fragrance. HM 2002.
  • Winter Adventure - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Winter Adventure$8.00
    (P. Black, 1992) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), ML S-violet blue veined darker F-blue fading white B-blue tipped gold;slightly musky fragrance. HM 1994
  • Wishful Thinking - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Wishful Thinking$8.00
    (Keith Keppel, 1996) TB, 40-44 inches (107-112 cm), M S-blue paler edge F-paler silvery blue,chartreuse yellow B-yellow-lavender white;fragrant. HM 1998, AM 2000.
  • Yaquina Blue - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Yaquina Blue$12.00
    (Schreiners '92)TB, 37 inches (94 cm), M Bubble ruffled ocean blue. Fragrant Iris. Large well formed flowers. Sweet fragrance. Awards - HM 1994, AM 1996, Wister 1998 Dykes Medal 2001.
  • Yosemite Star - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Yosemite Star$13.00
    (George Sutton, 2004) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), ML & RE S. violet blue, blended wistaria blue ; style arms violet blue; F. violet blue blended wistaria blue, white blaze surrounding beard; beards white at end, yellow, to yellow orange in throat; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance
  • Zepherina - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    (Maryott's 1996) TB 34-36 inches (86-91 cm), EM S-lavender,smoky maroon midrib F-velvety maroon,brown shoulders B-yellow-purple;fragrant HM 1999
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Looking for the most fragrant Iris. Try using the search function for the word "pronounced" which should return all the varieties that have a pronounced fragrance.

Some of the tall bearded Iries are also Reblooming Iris. You will be able to identify them when you see the "RE" in the description. RE is for Reblooming (Irises). Some of the reblooming irises are also very fragrant Irises