Fragrant Iris

Fragrant Irises

Fragrance is often an overlooked quality of the bearded irises. This can be difficult to understand because the perfumes produced from some of these fragrant flowers vary from light and sweet to heavily scented, dusky and even a "chocolate" essence. If you specifically want fragrant iris flowers, you will be pleased with the following selection from our fragrant irises.

The fragrant Iris often have a sweet scent that makes them doubly enjoyable as a cut flower.

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  • Returning Chameleon - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Returning Chameleon$8.00
    (Betty Wilkerson, 1995) TB, 32 inches (81 cm), M & RE S. and style arms greyed white to pale lavender, occasionally palest pink; F. grey white to pale pink; beards white, tipped pale orange in throat; ruffled; slight musky fragrance. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 6 to 9.
  • Reversi - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Michael Sutton, 2006) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), ML SA S. wisteria violet; style arms pale wisteria-violet; F. white with a hint of lavender; beards blue, bald lavender horns; pronounced sweet fragrance.
  • Rhythm King - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Rhythm King$8.00
    (Stahly 1992) TB 35 inches (89 cm) M. Heavily ruffled deep blue violet; beards deep blue; slight sweet fragrance. Fragrant Iris.
  • Ribbons and Lace - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Ribbons and Lace$17.00
    (Cynthia Bauer, 2015) TB, 36" (91 cm), L S. medium dauphin’s violet, pale blue flush in center; style arms medium dauphin’s violet; F. palest blue-lavender, slightly darker texture veining, wide rim of medium dauphin’s violet, pale yellow thumbprints at hafts; beards based white, tipped mid-yellow, darker yellow in throat; slight spicy fragrance; very heavily laced. Vienna Waltz X Fancy Stuff.
  • Richard B. Harris - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Richard B. Harris$8.00
    (Gary Anderson, 1992) TB, 33 inches (84 cm), E S-sunflower yellow F-slightly darker B-red orange;spicy fragrance. Catalyst X Well Endowed.
  • Riverboat Blues - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Riverboat Blues$10.50
    (Schreiner's 1991) TB 38 inches (97 cm), ML Ruffled medium blue self with white beards. Awards - HM 1993 AM 1995 8 to 9 buds per stem.
    Sweet fragrance.

  • Rosalie Figge - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Rosalie Figge$19.00$15.25
    (Jane McKnew, 1993) TB, 39 inches (99 cm), M & RE S. violet; style arms violet streaked darker on midline; F. dark violet, white spray pattern around beard; beards white, tipped violet, yellow in throat; pronounced sweet fragrance. HM 1996, AM 1999. Reliable mupltiple rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 3 to 9.
  • Rush Creek - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Rush Creek$15.00
    (Jack Worel, 1999) TB, 32" (81 cm), M S. rose, midrib and very thin edge yellow gold; style arms lighter rose, edge brownish yellow; F. rust red, 1/8" yellow gold edge, slight white area marked rust red around gold beard; slight sweet fragrance. Gentle Dragon X Rustler. HM 2002.
  • Rush Hour - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Rush Hour$15.00
    (Larry Lauer, R. 2000) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), M Ruffled aureolin yellow, S. with thin darker rim, F. darker overall; beards dark aureolin yellow, light orange to orange in throat; pronounced spicy sweet fragrance. 91-262: (L86-20: (Nancy Glazier x Brandy) x Hager T4717: ((Crystal Cathedral x Mother Earth sib) x (Birthstone x Sky Hooks))) X Hager T5399: (Gratuity x Quasar).
  • Sambuca - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (L.Johnson 2001) TB 38 inches (97 cm), M Purple black self. Beards deep purple; slight sweet fragrance. Black Tie Affair X Mallory Kay.
  • Satin Satan - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Satin Satan$16.00
    (John Weiler, 1986) TB, 35 inches (90 cm), E-L Very dark violet (near black) B-self; slight sweet fragrance. HM 1988.
  • Saturday Night Live - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Saturday Night Live$11.00
    (Schreiner, 1996) TB, 37 inches (94 cm), EML Burgundy wine self B-bronze yellow;slight fragrance. HM 1998.
  • Say What - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Say What$20.50
    (Denise Stewart, 2014) TB, 35 (89 cm), ML S. and style arms bright yellow; F. red-deep burgundy, slight star pattern around beard; beards old gold; slight musky fragrance; ruffled. Confusione X Reckless Abandon.
  • Schubertiad - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (M. Jameson, 1997) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), EM S-style arms apricot F-lavender violet with blue flash B-red orange; slight fragrance
  • Shoot the Moon - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Shoot the Moon$9.50
    (Monty Byers, 1987) TB SA, 35 inches (89 cm), M & RE (Nov in CA) Ruffled and lightly laced creamy yellow; yellow orange beard, 1.5 inches curved horns; slight sweet fragrance. Replay X Sky Hooks.
  • Shoptalk - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Merle Roberts, 1997) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), M Ruffled cerise purple self; style arms cerise; beards purple, lighter in throat; slight fragrance.
  • Sierra Blue - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Sierra Blue$12.00
    (Essig 1932) TB, 48 inches (122 cm) L Clear medium blue, B-white. Fragrant Dykes 1935
  • Sierra Grande - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Sierra Grande$8.00
    (Schreiner's 1992) TB, 38 inches (97 cm), M The standards are white and the falls are blue; ruffled. Strong stems with up to 3 branches and 8 to 10 buds. Sweet fragrance. Awards - HM 1994 AM 1996

  • Signet Ring - fragrant Intermediate bearded Iris
    Signet Ring$9.50
    (Tom Magee, 2000) IB, 18 inches (46 cm), M S. light purple with buff shadow around purple midrib; style arms light purple shadowed buff; F. dark rich purple with buff blaze around purple center streak; beards capucine red; slight spicy fragrance.
  • Silicon Prairie - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Silicon Prairie$8.00
    (Tim Stanek, 1991) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), EM S. light lobelia blue, pronounced golden edge; F. light yellow ochre over green; self beards; laced; pronounced fragrance. HM 1993.
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Looking for the most fragrant Iris. Try using the search function for the word "pronounced" which should return all the varieties that have a pronounced fragrance.

Some of the tall bearded Iries are also Reblooming Iris. You will be able to identify them when you see the "RE" in the description. RE is for Reblooming (Irises). Some of the reblooming irises are also very fragrant Irises