Fragrance is often an overlooked quality of the bearded irises. This can be difficult to understand because the perfumes produced from some of these fragrant flowers vary from light and sweet to heavily scented, dusky and even a "chocolate" essence. If you specifically want fragrant iris flowers, you will be pleased with the following selection from our fragrant irises.
The fragrant Iris often have a sweet scent that makes them doubly enjoyable as a cut flower.
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(Margie Valenzuela, 2012) TB, Pamela Rae - is special. I was contacted and asked if I could name an iris after someone's daughter who is now deceased. She wanted a "memorial" for her daughter. So I showed her a couple of seedling photos and she chose this one. I'll be a wonderful and lasting tribute to her life and to her family. Note the pink-peach shoulders accentuating the over-all peach coloring. It's also a healthy, strong plant, a good grower; and a dependable bloomer year after year with laced edges. Such a worthy iris for anyone's garden. Sldg. JTLD-05-3c, TB. 31" Mid-season. Stands. and style arms are peach. Falls are a paler peach and lighter in the center. At the shoulders the color is a deep peach/warm pink w/ short lines near in color.
Parentage: Joyce Terry x Lovely Dawn.
Looking for the most fragrant Iris. Try using the search function for the word "pronounced" which should return all the varieties that have a pronounced fragrance.
Some of the tall bearded Iries are also Reblooming Iris. You will be able to identify them when you see the "RE" in the description. RE is for Reblooming (Irises). Some of the reblooming irises are also very fragrant Irises