Excellent for borders and rock gardens.
One of the nicest surprises is the blooming of the dwarf bearded iris. They range from 8 to 15 inchs tall and work well for rock gardens and edgings as well as patio planters. In bloom, the delicate flowers are a real highlight. They start blooming in early Spring, overlapping the end of the Miniature Dwarf blooming season and continue for several weeks up to the early beginnings of the Tall Bearded Iris boom season. Standard Dwarfs are well known for forming large, rapidly growing clumps that provide beautiful masses of color.
This special offer for
all 6 iris is a $26.24 value. You get all six of these beautiful Iris
for only $18.25. Order Collection 50017> Sorry, this is no longer offered. Click on the HOME link to see our current offerings.