All Bearded Irises

Nola's Iris Gardens offers an impressive collection of bearded iris plants for sale, including reblooming bearded iris and tall bearded iris.

We dig up each of our plants at the end of summer and ship them directly to you so you can enjoy them at their peak. Keep in mind: the earlier you order, the better, as some varieties have a limited supply. However, if you are worried that a certain stock is too low for your order, please let us know; we may be able to supply more than what we have listed.

If you have any questions about the bearded iris we have for sale, please contact us today.

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Our 2024 season is now closed for new orders.

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  • Elmer's Web - reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Elmer's Web$16.00
    (Morrison 2001) TB, 37 inches (94 cm), M, slight red in veins;style arms yellow;F.yellow overlaid violet, maroon webbing at sides,yellow border;B.white at end, yellow, orange in throat.
  • Elsiemae Nicholson - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Elsiemae Nicholson$8.50
    (G.Corlew 1986) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M-L Peach pink,lighter in center of F B-bright tangerine;slight fragrance HM 1988
  • Emperor's Delight - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Emperor's Delight$10.50
    (Schreiner's 1997) TB, 39 inches (99 cm), L Purple self B-purple,hairs tipped white;slight fragrance HM 1999
  • Endura - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Darnell & Greg Hester, 2009) TB, 40 inches (102 cm), EM S. and style arms light lavender-blue; F. medium to deep violet, prominent white haft marks; beards white; ruffled; sweet fragrance. (Sapphire Hills x Rebecca Anne) X Jesse's Song.
  • Ensemble - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (J.McWhirter 1986) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M Heavily ruffled light rosy magenta; F. shaded darker; cream beard; very sweet fragrance. Gay Parasol X Clouds.
  • Entangled - tall bearded Iris
    (J. Ghio,2000) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), EML S. pink, violet infusion; style arms pink; F. pink heavily overlaid and lined red purple, pink wire edge and shoulders; beards red.
  • Entertainment - tall bearded Iris
    (Hooker Nichols, 1993) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), M-L Ruffled white, yellow hafts; gold orange beard.
  • Eternal Waltz - reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Eternal Waltz$8.25$7.50
    (H. Danielson 1989) TB RE 36 inches (91 cm), E-M. Ruffled white w/smooth lavender cast; lavender white beards. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 4 to 9.
  • Eugenia King - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Eugenia King$9.50$7.50
    (Elyse Hill, 1998) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), M S. and style arms blended buff peach; F. lilac; beards orange; ruffled, laced; slight sweet fragrance. Fragrant iris.
  • Evening Gown - tall bearded Iris
    Evening Gown$8.00
    (J.Ghio 1987) TB 38 inches (97 cm), M S. petunia purple F. concord purple with velvety finish; dark roslyn blue beard. Good Knight X Silent Majesty. HM 1989 AM 1993
  • Evening in Paris - tall bearded Iris
    Evening in Paris$8.00
    (N. Sexton, 1976) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), E Deep maroon red self B-carrot orange. HM 1979.
  • Evening Silk - tall bearded Iris
    Evening Silk$8.00
    (Aitken 1990) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), M Deep purple black self. B-black HM 1994
  • Exactitude - tall bearded Iris
    (Innerst 1996) TB 34 inches (86 cm), M. The standards are antique gold and the falls are yellow, dark purple blue plicata edge; bronze beards. Awards - HM 2000
  • Exit Strategy - tall bearded Iris
    Exit Strategy$20.00
    (Bruce Filardi, 2015) TB, 40 (102 cm), L-VL S. and F. edges bright rosy-mauve style arms and F. centers slightly lighter pale blue wash around red orange) beards; ruffled, lightly laced. Starship Enterprise X Goldkist.
  • Extravagant - tall bearded Iris
    (M. Hamblen, 1983) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), E-L S. red purple; F. slightly lighter, lightening toward center and darkening toward edge, laced and ruffled; cerise beard. HM 1985, AM 1989.
  • Faithfulness - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Waltermire 1983) TB 36 inches (91 cm) E-M. Ruffled full violet blue; white beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. Sapphire Hills X Full Tide. Fragrant Iris.
  • Fall Empire - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Fall Empire$8.25
    (George Sutton, 2002) TB, 32 inches (81 cm), ML & RE S. and style arms naples yellow; F. empire yellow (11D), cream around beard; beards orange, yellow at end; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Saxon X Orange Popsicle.
  • Fall Fiesta - reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Fall Fiesta$8.00
    (Schreiner's 1992) TB 36 inches (91 cm), ML S-white F-ruffled honey tan B-yellow HM 1994
  • Fall Spotlight - reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Fall Spotlight$14.00$12.10
    (W. Moores 1992) TB 36 inches (91 cm) M. RE Violet purple; White spot on the falls. Reliable rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 6 to 9.
  • Fan Flare - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Fan Flare$16.00
    (Larry Lauer, 1998) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), ML S. and style arms reddish brown; F. purplish lavender, with reddish brown rim and brown shoulders; beards mustard, tipped purple; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. Fragrant iris.
  • Fancy Dress - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Fancy Dress$17.75
    (Keith Keppel, 1998) TB, 34 inches (86 cm), E S. violet, paler veining, margin and base; style arms white, flushed violet; F. darker violet, paler veining and margin, white area surrounding beard; beards white, tipped orange in throat; ruffled; slight sweet fragrance. HM 2000. Fragrant iris.
  • Fancy Fellow - tall bearded Iris
    Fancy Fellow$8.00
    (S. Babson,1984) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), M-L S. blue lavender; F.paler blue lavender, veined deep blue lavender from beard to edge; light yellow beard; fluted.
  • Fancy Filly - tall bearded Iris
    Fancy Filly$10.50
    (L.Meininger 1998) TB 34 inches (86 cm), ML & RE S-lemon yellow,green veining f-rose,lemon haft marks B-solid orange. Reblooms in October in zone 8.
  • Fancy Woman - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Fancy Woman$13.00
    (Keith Keppel, 1995) TB, 38 inches (97 cm), VE-EM S. french lilac blended light lilac grey edge and base; F. blended and washed roman purple to french lilac, paler veining and narrow edge, white area beside beard; beards mikado orange, base white; sweet fragrance. HM 1997, AM 1999, Wister 2001. Runner up for the Dykes two years! Fragrant iris.
  • Fanfaron - tall bearded Iris
    (Ben Hager, 1988) TB, 38 inches (97 cm), M S. deep yellow; F. deep bright red, 1/4 inches yellow edge. HM 1990 AM 1994
  • Fantasm - tall bearded Iris
    (L.Meininger 1997) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M Blackish purple,irregular white streaks & splashes,velvety B-purple tipped bronze
  • Fashion Passion - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Fashion Passion$17.75
    (Tom Burseen, 1993) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), M S. white, yellow glow at midrib; F. velvety dark red purple, 1/8 inches lavender pink edge; beards gold; heavily ruffled; slight fragrance. Fragrant iris.
  • Feed Back - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Feed Back$13.00
    (Ben Hager, 1983) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), E-M & RE (Sept-Oct in CA) Mid-violet; yellow beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. Reliable multiple rebloom for us in zone 8. Reported to rebloom in zones 3 to 9. Early rebloom. Pronounced sweet fragrance.
  • Feminine Fire - fragrant reblooming tall bearded Iris
    Feminine Fire$7.25
    (Richard Ernst, 1991) TB, 35 inches (89 cm), EM Ruffled medium pink infused apricot, deeper pink hafts; beards orange red; slight sweet fragrance. HM 1994.
  • Feminine Wiles - tall bearded Iris
    Feminine Wiles$10.50
    (J.Nelson 1986) TB 36 inches (91 cm), M S-orchid,pink midrib F-orchid,paling to silver beneath tangerine red B HM 1988
  • Fifth Dimension - tall bearded Iris
    Fifth Dimension$8.00
    (Maryott 1986) TB 37 inches (94 cm), M-L S-plum violet F-lavender with plum violet halo B-yellow;
  • Fimbriated Space - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Fimbriated Space$8.25$7.50
    (George Sutton, 1999) TB, SA, 35 inches (89 cm), ML Ruffled white, S. very open; style arms with fimbriated crests; beards white, hairs tipped pale yellow in center, orange yellow in throat, extended as white petaloid ending in white flounce; slight spicy fragrance.
  • Final Decision - tall bearded Iris
    Final Decision$8.25
    (Elvan Roderick 1991) TB, 36 inches (91 cm), ML Heavily ruffled golden yellow, F. with lighter center area; beards yellow.
  • Finalist - tall bearded Iris
    (Joseph Gatty by Keith Keppel,1996). TB, 35" (89 cm), L S. lavender grey flushed greenish yellow to pineapple); F. rubient to plum blend, small cotinga purple blaze, narrow wistaria lavender edge; beards bronze yellow tipped lavender; ruffled. HM 1996.
  • Finsterwald - fragrant reblooming Intermediate bearded Iris
    (S.Innerst 1994) IB, 16 inches (41 cm), M yellow with brown;; fragrance. HM 1998
  • Fire Pit - tall bearded Iris
    Fire Pit$16.00
    (R.Ernst 1993) 34 inches (86 cm), M TB S-warm brick amber with red overlay F-crimson red,violet tones near yellow B; It's a favorate red self.
  • Firenze Red - tall bearded Iris
    Firenze Red$10.50$9.50
    (G.Sutton 1993) TB 38 inches (97 cm), M Light burgundy red self B.burgundy
  • Fjord - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    (Roger Nelson, 1995) TB, 37 inches (94 cm), ML Blue white self,aging white B-cool white;slight sweet fragrance. HM 1999.
  • Flambe - reblooming Intermediate bearded Iris
    (J. T. Aitken, 1999) IB, 24 inches (61 cm), ML & RE S. white, hot yellow midrib flush; style arms hot yellow; F. intense cinnamon orange; beards orange. Champagne Elegance X Joe Cool.
  • Flamenco Whirl - fragrant tall bearded Iris
    Flamenco Whirl$10.50
    (B. Hamner, 1988) TB, 30-32 inches (76-81 cm), M S. golden yellow; F. maroon red, edged golden yellow, few gold markings around gold beard; ruffled; slight spicy fragrance.
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Order early some varieties have a very limited supply.

We also have links to Reblooming Irises, tall bearded iris, Space age Irises, and much more under the "all Irises" navigation at the top of the page. The bearded iris plant is very hardy being drought resistant and it is also deer resistant.